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The Impact of the Underuse of Digital Games in Social Studies Education

When it comes to digital games-based learning – specifically, regarding the use of digital games in the social sciences – education lags behind other major institutions, including government, business, and medicine. Although researchers, administrators, and educators have made many strides in the application and use of educational technology, advancements concerning digital games have been less consistent over the past 20 years. Thus, the aim of this literature review is to determine the impact of the underuse of digital games in Social Studies education.

Teaching with Technology: Then, Now, and Beyond

Like technology, or perhaps because of it, American society is undeniably moving at breakneck speed... In of itself, technology is a broad term—one that could potentially lead an unwary author and his or her unassuming audience down a figurative rabbit hole of no return... [T]he present inquiry shall be confined to the role of technology in education over the last 30 years—a span of time characterized by the emergence and exponential growth of the Internet, which spurred unprecedented socioeconomic change and educational reform in the United States.
Robert Ranstadler, M.A., M.Ed.

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